R3-DCP is the codename for the "RRR Dynamic Car Previewer". It is a program that has the ability to load and preview a car without loading Re-Volt and has many bonus features to adjust the viewport. RST, the lead programmer, hopes that this program will encourage more custom cars for Re-Volt.
- Multiple Graphics Engines for Car Rendering.
- Ability to turn on and off different parts of cars.
- Wireframe and Vertex viewing.
- Timed re-loading of cars for live repaints.
- Timed interval for switching between all cars in Re-Volt folder.
- Ability to find and report parameter.txt problems.
- Ability to show actual car specs from parameter.txt.
- Can take Screenshots of cars.
- Esc - Exits program.
- Right or Down - Loads Next Car.
- Left or Up - Loads Previous Car.
- Delete - Deletes Custom Cars (Not Stock) but
- Ctrl+Up - Minimizes DCP Window.
- Ctrl+Down - Shows DCP Window.
- Ctrl+T - DCP Window Always on Top.
- Ctrl+N - DCP Window Reset to not Always on Top.
- Ctrl+P - Captures screenshot.
Obtaining it[]
Required conditions to obtain the program and the license of use
- Join the #revolt irc channel on the irc-hispano.org.
- Be an active member on the RRR with the ranking 2 reached.
- Make a car and share it on the site and/or make a good tutorial of some kind.
- Proof that you own an original copy of Re-volt.
The Future[]
A new engine from scratch has been making by RST using DirectX 8.